



(食譜參考Feast to the world)


五花腩 800克

葵花籽油 3湯匙

紅蔥頭 20粒(切碎)

蒜頭 6瓣(切碎)

豆醬 1湯匙

老抽 1湯匙


椰糖 1湯匙

清水 650毫升



1. 將五花腩切成大塊狀。

2. 燒熱鍋,加入油以大火燒熱後,把火力調小,加入紅蔥頭和蒜頭,炒大約1分鐘直到香為止。

3. 加入豆醬拌炒大約2分鐘,然後再加入五花腩拌炒大約3分鐘。

4. 把老抽,椰糖和清水加入,煮滾後轉小火加蓋燜煮2-3小時,直到五花腩煮至軟,醬汁濃稠,最後加入鹽調味即可。乘熱伴與白飯一起享用。

BabiPongteh (Nyonya Braised Pork Belly With Fermented Soy Bean Sauce)


(Recipe adapted from Feast to the world)

Ingredients (Serves 4-6)

800g Pork belly

3tbsp sunflower oil

20 shallots, finely chopped

6 garlic cloves, crushed

1 tbsp fermented soy bean paste (taucheo)

1 tbsp dark soy sauce

1 tbsp palm sugar


650 ml water

sea salt, to taste


1.Cut the pork belly into large chunks.

2. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat until smoking. Lower the heat and add the shallots and garlic and stir fry for 1 minute, until golden and fragrant.

3. Add the fermented soy bean paste and stir fry for 2 minutes before adding the pork and cook for another 3 minutes.


4. Add the dark soy sauce, palm sugar and the water. Bring to the boil before covering with a lid and simmer for 2-3 hours, until the pork is tender and the sauce has reduced and deepen in colour. Season with salt to taste. Serve with some warm steam rice.